home of the Mistrovství České Republiky v Single Speedu
06 December 2014 - Prague 4

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Upcoming SS races

a very short update, but much needed:
Pedalsport.cz distributor of Park Tools is sponsoring 2 outside SS races this summer, gather your Single Speed friends and register soon:

race either solo SS or as a 2 person SS team

race the 53km 'short track'

Plus a 3rd: National SS championships will again be in Central Bohemia this autumn. The race location and date is not yet fixed (maybe the same area as December), but will be in September or the first 2 weeks of October. Comments and suggestions for where and when to hold the race would be appreciated. Again it will be a similar style friendly race, but with warmer weather for more socializing afterward! :)