Upcoming singlespeed national championship 2011
We need your help to pick a date for this year's race!
New plans are coming to a close for this year!
Details aren't final yet, but we will have a full day event, say from 11-17:30, hopefully in the Jizerské hory region.
Expect a new event format with recreational riding (families welcome) followed by the competitive event later in the day, with warm food and drink available throughout.
But, first we need your response!!
We have two dates in mind, 28.10.2011 and 22.10.2011.
Which date will you come join us for MČRSS 2011?
Please send us an email mcrss2011[@]gmail.com listing the date or dates when you are available.
We need your responses soon, and will announce the final date by 19.09.2011
Check the blog for regular updates which will start in the next week or so!
Thanks from Cory and Veronika, your faithful Praguer Singlespeeders.
See you soon!