home of the Mistrovství České Republiky v Single Speedu
06 December 2014 - Prague 4

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Monday, February 8, 2010


OK, here are a bunch of pictures in one spot:
(If you have other good ones, please get in touch with me. I only have full size files from one photographer, so his were the ones we were able to submit and will be printed in VELO magazine. If you send me full quality shots, we will submit them to other publications as well. And you will of course always receive credit for your authorship. Thanks!)

Photo gallery of the semi-official 2009 Czech National Single Speed Championships.

Photos taken by Jiri Nemecek

Photos taken by Tomas Vitvar of Bajk.cz

Photos taken by Martin Hubka of Single-Speed.cz
and organizer of pasts SS championships