home of the Mistrovství České Republiky v Single Speedu
06 December 2014 - Prague 4

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

upcoming Krakatit race with bonus new trail - 6.VIII.2011

It recently has seemed like summer had already left, but here we are still in the middle of it.
And so another year of summer Single Speed racing just south of Prague is just around the corner in Dobříš with the Krakatit marathon. 

Again our dear friends from mtbike.cz and Park Tool have worked together to bring us good singlespeed racing in the hills of Brdy. New great distance of just 50km, plus some new trail, about 3km less asphalt, and I can personally guarantee that it will be drier than last year!

So come join us for some good summer singlespeed fun.
6 August 2011 50km
more info at www.mtbike.cz